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Pacifico Spotlight


Brand New Byron Bay Bypass now Open, but the Heart Remains the Same…

If you have been a visitor to Byron in the last 2 years, you would have noticed or at least heard the rumblings about the long awaited Bypass.

Yes, it caused dissension in the ranks, yes it was controversial, yes the construction was disruptive but yes, it was necessary. With growth comes change, with change comes fear and apprehension from some, but there is always a bright side and a light at the end of the tunnel – or in this case the bypass.

YES, it has made an enormous difference to the seemingly infamous Byron Bay logjam on Shirley St and a welcome lightening of traffic through the heart of Byron. No doubt, the haters gonna hate but the lovers are crossing town in mere moments and letting the heart of Byron beat more freely.

We now see the Market Quarter springing to life and having a real estate resurgence. Renovations and makeovers are at an all-time high, Glen Villa Holiday Park lawns buzz with a whole new lease of life and the bus terminal is in full swing. The beautification of the extended Railway Park seems to be nearing completion before its Grand Opening in the not too distant future.

The opening of the bypass has exposed and connected the residents and business owners over this side of town and we hope they are embracing their new connection and enjoying the free-flowing foot traffic back and forth from Jonson.

Head a little further over this side of town and you’ll find the Byron Yoga Centre – open for classes, retreats and training.

The Arts Factory Lodge is back in business and we are waiting for word on whether PIGHOUSE Flicks will be reopening its doors.

If you are keen for more information on the masterplan for Byron Bay, please have a look at:


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