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South on Jonson…. SOJO

It’s got a ring to it don’t you think? Well the locals are sure happy with the recent transformation and new energy that as hit the southern end of Jonson st. Woolworths and Cheeky Monkeys used to be the only reason to venture so far south and they were two very different reasons I might add – but now, it’s more the locals end of town – leaving NOLO or North of Lawson to the tourists and backpackers.

It started a little bit apprehensively with the Mercato centre being a bain of contention for many in the local community. Too big, too shiny and still not enough parking, but slowly over the past year with the new Woolies, the new Palace cinemas and Byron’s first escalator, it seems that even the toughest of old school locals has succumbed to the ease and accessibility or SOJO.

Here you will not only find one of the newest Woolworths in Australia but also one of the most prominent Byron Bay Businesses that used to reside in the heart of town – Trevor Mead Butchers, positioned right next to one of the newest businesses in the village HUNKY DORY fish and chips – did Byron need another fish and chip shop I hear you ask – hell yes, is the answer and Hunk Dory is exactly that – hunky dory.

Like your dining a little more refined (but not too much – of course) head upstairs to Beef and Beach, another local business all the way from Lennox head. 

This is also where you can find many a local service, like dentists, the Credit Union, the pharmacy, health store, toy shop and Sharky’s tattoo parlour. Everything a local could want and more…  

Hey, if it’s good enough for Trevor, it’s good enough for me.

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